
This is my first experience “blogging” but I feel that there are many people out there doing the same and I wanted to become part of this collaborative & resourceful venue.

Recently, I attended a conference hosted by our state’s Foreign Language association. It left me inspired but also wanting to share more with other World Language teachers. I generated a short list of what I have found to be quite useful when teaching Spanish, that is available online and is FREE! 🙂

So, here are my “top” websites. Today is March 17th, 2013, a year from now, interestingly enough- this list may be very, very different.


(1) Become Connected!

Social Media Sites to Connect with other WL Teachers:

EdModo, Twitter, LinkedIn, Thinkfinity, Edutopia, Pinterest 

*I’m finding that this year has been my year to explore what the social media world has to offer, in terms of helping me to find resources and fun ideas/activities to really enhance my students communication skills. Personally, I am finding EdModo & Pinterest to be the most helpful from what I have listed. Any of the tools will link you to thousands of WL teachers who do what you do each day and many are willing to share. You can follow me on Twitter or Pinterest- @srtanrodriguez

(2) NJ DOE- Technology Toolbox


*Thinking about implementing technology into your next assessment? The NJ DOE breaks down all of the different types of technologies available online, within different categories.

(3) ACTFL- Web Watch


*A site to visit with some great ideas on what is emerging on the web right now. There are many other helpful areas on the site, so feel free to browse!

(4) Zachary Jones– Authentic text, videos & useful activities


*Click on “Panorama tematico” on the right side. This site is constantly updated with different authentic tools to use with students. My favorite is his “Twiccionario” section.

(5) Spanish 4 Teachers


*Recently discovered this site and I’m finding the power point section to be quite resourceful.

(6) Realidades- Textbook http://www.phschool.com/atschool/realidades/program_page.html

*I know, I know. What is this teacher thinking? A textbook link! However, Realidades online offers downloadable- EVERYTHING! Music (Canciones de HipHop), activities & integrated performance assessments- all in one place! Also, for another resource of fun music, visit: http://www.senorwooly.com/

(7) Professional Development Videos



*Don’t wait for your district to bring the presenters to you, check out either of these sites and learn from any of the amazing teachers featured here.

(8) Revistas- TECLA 


*I especially like the magazines featured here because they are authentic. I would recommend these to intermediate or advanced level learners.

(9) Videos ELE


*Teaching about food? the city? the airport? Find some great free online videos, which include teacher resource packets & even games!

(10) NY State Proficiency Exams


*Here is the archive of past NY State Proficiency Exams given. They use authentic realia throughout their exams, which you can “borrow” and use with your own students.

(11) Spanish Proficiency (Listening) – Univ. of Texas & BBC



*Students can always use more practice in listening. Set up on this website, you have a very wide variety of native speakers describing different experiences or sharing their thoughts. A written transcription is also provided.

(12) MFL Sunderland Resource Page 


*I came across this website last year. Thank you to the creators who posted & shared from Sunderland. *Resources in other languages as well

(13) Michigan State University- Rich Internet Applications


*If you want to record your students speaking, this is a great website designed to help you do just that! As the teacher, you can set it up to have interpersonal communication by recording videos with questions and having the students answer. Or students can complete a presentational task by describing a topic of your choice. Students must have access to a computer & working microphone/camera installed. If this doesn’t seem realistic for you, website option #14 may work better.

(14) Google– Voice, Docs, Forms, Drive, Maps, YouTube (TeacherTube)


*If you have not yet taken advantage of all the wonderful things Google has to offer, what are you waiting for? Google Voice- Students dial a telephone number and leave you a “message”. Google Docs is used for students to collaborate & store their documents all online. Google Forms can be used to take polls from students or give a quiz! Google Maps allows you to take a trip around the world, from your computer. And YouTube, hopefully you know about YouTube by now-create playlists to store all of your favorites. TeacherTube is also user friendly.

(15) Todo ELE


*Caution– This website can be overwhelming. I spent one of many evenings, looking through different sites and links they have provided. FULL of great resources.

(16) Live Television from Spain



*You don’t need cable to watch TV nowadays. Check out these live TV feeds from Spain. Also, to keep up with current global trends, here is a newspaper link (recommended for intermediate & advanced levels) http://www.prensaescrita.com/newspapers/

(17) Quizlet- Online flashcards 


*Students can create their own flashcards or you can search by textbooks, themes or grammatical concepts. I like to select flashcard sets with pictures, instead of Spanish to English only.

(18) Mary Glasgow Magazines (Scholastic)


*If you are looking for leveled magazines, Scholastic offers a teacher subscription. There are other great magazines available for language learning as well.




(19) World Language Clip Art




*I’m always looking for clip art and images to help me with my daily teaching. Here are just a few that I’ve found to be quite useful.

(20) Graphic Organizers (in Spanish)


*When students are reading in Spanish or making comparisons, it is without question that I utilize some sort of graphic organizer with them, to assist with comprehension.

For even more sites & ideas of how to implement technology into your classroom, on my teacher webpage in my school district, I post to a section titled, “mar-tecnologia” otherwise known as “Techie Tuesday”. Each week, I give students different tips on using technology and Spanish outside of our classroom. There will be future updates 🙂


Other Blogs/Sites of Interest:


The Comprehensible Classroom– http://martinabex.com/

The Creative Language Class http://creativelanguageclass.wordpress.com/

Fun for Spanish Teachers– http://funforspanishteachers.blogspot.fr/2012/08/17-fun-games-to-play-in-spanish-class_15.html

***Feel free to add your own thoughts, suggestions & ideas to this post****