
It has been a whole week since I attended both NADSFL & ACTFL conferences in Washington, DC and what a great experience it was! I spent time with supervisory colleagues, met some Twitter pals in person and attended fantastic workshops!


This year, I opted to follow the suggestions from my amigos at Fluency Matters & one of my favorite bloggers, Martina Bex! All of the session recommendations DID not disappoint and my focus was on learning more about technology tools, CI techniques, and further developing intercultural competence in ALL learners through empathy, social justice and achieving global competence with both inquiry & investigations.

My NASDFL/ACTFL 2019 Takeaways Slideshow can be found here,

along with a short video I created for my Pascack team. 

Thanks to the support of my school district, I have been able to attend the ACTFL conferences for the past several years. A compiled list of previous takeaways & reflections from these conferences is shared below.

*ACTFL 2016 Collaborative Notes  Resource Folder  Dept Mtg EdCamp Shares (Boston, Massachusetts)

*NADSFL & ACTFL 2017: NADSFL/ACTFL Takeaways Slideshow  Video Overview (Nashville, Tennesse)

*NADSFL & ACTFL 2018: NADSFL/ACTFL Takeaways Slideshow    Video Overview (New Orleans, Louisana) 

Also! I recently registered for the upcoming NECTFL 2020 Conference in New York City! Here are some of my previous highlights from attending this insightful regional conference! We have incredibly talented World Language educators in the Northeast region!

NECTFL 2017: Collaborative Notes  Resource Folder (New York, New York)

NECTFL 2018: NECTFL Takeaways Slideshow   Video Overview (New York, New York)

NECTFL 2019: NECTFL Takeaways Slideshow   Video Overview (New York, New York)