
Over the past few weeks, I have been reflecting quite often about teacher empowerment and leadership. I think about the dedicated individuals who serve our students each day and the growth amongst those who are willing to share and learn with others. We do, what we do, #becausewecan.

This year I am organizing and coordinating two upcoming professional development events that a few years ago, did not think were possible. Two events that will hopefully inspire growth and improvement in teaching methodologies, instructional activities, and proficiency-based assessments within world language classrooms. Two events that wouldn’t be possible without other volunteers and like-minded colleagues who believe in the power of collaboration. Two events that are taking an incredible amount of my own personal time but will hopefully be well worth it, for everyone who attends.

Ultimately, each event is unique but in both circumstances, my own personal motivation to work as tirelessly as I do to create such learning opportunities for teachers, is the same. In this profession, you can’t “know it all” and it is impossible to feel that you did an outstanding job with every single aspect of your instruction and assessments. In education, there is always “something” we can try, “something” we can explore and “something” that we can share with our colleagues. It is with this curiosity or rather thirst for knowledge is where I find myself. I continuously look at how I can improve, how I can better reach/engage students and ultimately, how I can instill a love for communicating in another language with all my students.

I am asked, “Why are you doing all of this? Why are you so involved?” The answer is simple: I want to help teachers. I want to share, learn and grow with everyone. I want to help empower teachers to feel equipped with their own set of “tools” and “tricks” when they walk back into their own classrooms. I want world language classes and programs to have great meaning within communities. I want our students to graduate and think about how amazing their world language class was/how useful it was to pay attention in class when they land that bilingual position. I want our students to continue their love for languages as adults.

When you surround yourself with passionate, creative and hardworking educators, great things CAN and DO happen.

I’m looking forward to the 2016 WL Tech Institute (@WLTechInstitute) and EdCampWL (@edcampWL). Two events that are possible #becausewecan.

WL Tech Institute LogoWL Tech Institute Flyer

Screenshot 2016-06-21 18.43.19  *If you are interested in starting your own #edcamp, check out http://www.edcamp.org/ for great resources and ideas! I love how schools are using the #edcamp model with both teachers and students! Talk about empowering all learners! 😀