It seems that cheating has been running rampant since our schools experienced the global pandemic – students have found easy online shortcuts to demonstrate their language learning. While 2020 and 2021 were understandably focused on navigating the emotional and...
*Video overview of this blog using After several months of highlighting different Generative AI Tools for the language classroom, the most exciting has been with using conversational chatbots. The idea that students can practice their language skills in a...
*An interpersonal communication activity* Interpersonal communication is the hardest skill for our students to gain confidence. How can we better prepare students to have meaningful interactions in the target language? “Emoticons” or those little images have been part...
As we all continue to get to know our new groups of language learners, I have been working on different systems to set up the school year for success and highlight language proficiency along the way. I believe that implementing portfolios, self-reflection surveys and...
As the school year begins to wind down, an end of year project (not graded) was the “Time capsule letter”. It became a reflective “end of year” task that my students enjoyed working on, as they wrote to their “future” selves in 4...
Feedback is essential to the learning process, whether we seek it or we receive it. Learning and teaching are incredibly dependent on feedback. What opportunities do you provide for your students to receive feedback and reflect? And, as an educator, how do you seek...