It wasn’t too long ago that I would rely on the local newspaper, magazine or flier for the most current & relevant information to my field: education. It seems as if overnight, the dynamics of social media have radically transformed what I read, interpret...
It is that time of year again! 8th grade students in my class create their own digital stories, implementing vocabulary and grammar studied throughout our school year together into one final project. The students are responsible to create their own stories in groups...
Silent Films: Yesterday, my students watched a clip of “Mafalda”- a popular cartoon from Argentina. Not only was the video completely appropriate to their unit of study but it was also funny & interesting. I found the video thanks to Pinterest....
This is my first experience “blogging” but I feel that there are many people out there doing the same and I wanted to become part of this collaborative & resourceful venue. Recently, I attended a conference hosted by our state’s Foreign Language...